



  [1] “啟蒙”的本義是開啟蒙昧,識字讀書,明白事理。在中國古代,人們從小要接受“蒙學”,才能成為有教養的人,否則就是“教化未開”。據說,早年被啟蒙到了什麼程度,決定其日後可達到的智力高度。

  [2] 同樣,人類社會從傳統向現代轉型的過程,也與啟蒙相伴隨;沒有啟蒙就沒有現代化。

  [3] 然而,作為現代話語的“啟蒙”,卻源自於近代西方。在人類歷史上,近代啟蒙思想和啟蒙運動首發於17世紀後期的英國,後傳播到法國、德國等歐洲國家,波及北美,19世紀後期又影響到日本、中國等亞洲國家。

  [4] 正是由於西方有了洛克、斯密、伏爾泰、盧梭、狄德羅等啟蒙思想家,才有了之後歐美的工業革命、市場經濟和憲政體制。在中國,自晚清時期出現近代啟蒙思想後,中國知識分子在“救亡圖存”的背景下,藉助西方近代思想,改造中國傳統文化,塑造新型國民,引發了洋務運動、戊戌變法、新文化運動等。特別是在當代,1978年關於“實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準”的大討論,極大地解放了人們的思想,帶來了之後“改革開放”的巨大成果。由此,思想的.力量可見一斑。

  [5] 長期以來,人們對於啟蒙運動有一種誤解,認為那是先知先覺的知識分子和哲人啟發、教育、訓導被啟蒙者,因而“啟蒙”成了及物動詞,其賓語是未開化的芸芸眾生。其實,根據現代啟蒙思想家康德的解釋,啟蒙的本質不是“他啟”而是“自覺”,即人們從由自我原因的不成熟狀態(在缺乏指導下無力運用自我理性的狀態)中覺醒,其根源並非是人們缺乏理性,而是缺乏對理性的運用。

  [6] 這種真知灼見至今閃爍著理性的光芒。

  [7] 在西方,啟蒙思想的支撐源於人們對於客觀規律的認知,如哥白尼的“日心說”、牛頓的“萬有引力”、伽利略的“宇宙論”等,認為整個宇宙中的一切物體都遵守同一定律,進而衝破千年的宗教束縛,將這一理性思考引入了人類社會,從而開創了一個不斷進取的新時代。在中國,幾千年的封建農業社會,使得科技落後、法治傳統缺乏,只是受到近代西方啟蒙思想(包括馬克思主義)的影響,才引入了科學、民主、法治的概念,開始與世界文明接軌。

  [8] 在這一歷史大潮中,中國現在比歷史上任何時期都更接近中華民族的偉大復興。正如“一帶一路”被越來越多的國家認識到不是中國的獨角戲,而是沿途民族的大合唱,每個中國人對於客觀與主觀世界的深刻、自覺的理性開發,最終將彙集於前所未有的“中國夢”的實現。


  The Truth of Enlightenment

  [1] The original meaning of “enlightenment” is eliminating ignorance, acquiring literacy and understanding ethical norms. In ancient China, children went to “private school” in order to be educated people, unless they were “uneducated’. It is said the education that children receive in their early years can determine their future intelligence.

  [2] Similarly, the transition from traditional society to modern society was accompanied with enlightenment. There was no modernization without enlightenment.

  [3] However, as a modern word, “enlightenment” originated from modern Western world. In human history, modern enlightenment thought and enlightenment movement first began in England in late 17th century, and later spread to France, Germany and other European countries and North America. In late 19th century, it spread to Asian countries like Japan and China.

  [4] Because Western world had the enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Adam Smith, Voltaire, Rousseau and Diderot, it had industrial revolution, market economy and constitutional system later. In China, after modern enlightenment thought appeared in late Qing Dynasty, with the idea of “saving the nation from subjugation and ensuring its survival”, Chinese scholars utilized Western modern thought to reform Chinese traditional culture and remake new citizens, and  launched Westernization Movement, Hundred Days’ Reform Movement and New Culture Movement. Especially in modern times, the debate about “Practice is the sole criterion for testing the truth” in 1978 freed people’s minds greatly and brought the great achievement under the reform and opening up policy. So the power of thought is evident.

  [5] For a long time, people had a misunderstanding about the enlightenment. They thought the scholars and philosophers who had foresight inspired and educated people, so the word “enlighten” was a transitive verb, the object was uneducated people. In fact, according to the interpretation of the modern enlightenment thinker Kant, the essence of enlightenment is not “be inspired by others” but “self-awareness”. That is people’s awakening from the immature state of self-cognition (a state of failing to use rationality without guidance). The root is not the lack of rationality, but the lack of the utilization of rationality.

  [6] This penetrating judgment still has the rational radiance today.

  [7] In western world, the enlightenment thought was supported by people’s perception of the objective principles, such as Copernicus’s heliocentric theory, Newton’s law of gravity, Galileo’s cosmology. They believed all objects in the universe followed the same rule, so they broke the thousand years’ religious restriction and brought this rational thought to human society, thus initiated a new era of continuous progress. Due to China’s thousand years’ feudal agricultural economy, China was backwards in terms of science and technology and lacked law tradition. Only because influenced by modern Western enlightenment thought (including Marxism), China introduced the conceptions of science, democracy and law, and began to integrate with the world civilization.

  [8] In this tide of history, now China
